Competition Calls and Forms

A.Y. 2024/2025

Call for Competition SPES Accommodation

Accommodation Regulation

  Accomodation Acceptance   Form

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SPES accommodation request form - 2023/2024

Housing Notice 2024/2025
Modification of the number of available beds for technical reasons.

Paid beds reduced from 26 to 25.
Moderate rent beds reduced from 20 to 19.
(notice dated 07/31/2024)

Select the type of call
to which you intend to participate:

Full Rent
Subsidized Rent
Summer school

All fields marked with * are MANDATORY

(required for italian citizens)

("Estero" for foreigners )

to *

Category of the invitation to participate:
Current students New applicants (not first year) Freshman year students

I would like to have:
Double room Single room

I declare to be in possession of all the requirements, specifically:

To be:
Regularly enrolled or pre-enrolled at the year or to the year outside prescribed time, of the undergraduate course at Genova University, based in Savona Campus
Regularly enrolled to a Master's Degree or in the Training Course at Genova University, based in Savona Campus, from to
Attending a PhD in Genova University based in Savona Campus
Researcher for Genova University in based in Savona Campus, only in the first year of bursary
Internship or scholarship winner at in convention with SPES or UniGe
To Have Recidency at over 60' distance (of journey)
An income ISEE ERP of € ,
To have reached 22 credits in the previous academic year (only for current students and new applicants - no first year) or have not exceeded the expected number not attendance stated in the call for university degrees and other courses.
I also declare to:
have read and understood the terms of the call and accept all parts.
have read and understood the regulation published on, and accept each part and commit myself to respecting it.


I declare that I read the information pursuant to EU REGULATION 2016/679. I also declare to give explicit, free, informed and unequivocal consent, to the treatment of my personal data, to the title holder, following the instructions provided.

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ALFA - Regione Liguria

ALISEO - Azienda ligure per gli studenti e l'orientamento
Sede: Via San Vincenzo, 4 - 16121 Genova

Telefono: + 39 010 24911

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SPES S.c.p.A. - Campus Universitario di Savona

P. IVA E Cod. Fiscale 00511850091

9,30/12,30 dal lunedì al venerdì

Tel. 019/21945481 - Fax 019/21945480
